Vendor Details: Google Ads
Google provides a Data Processing Addendum available here, which addresses how it treats personal information. The DPA states that Google is a service provider to a business when "Restricted Data Processing" is turned on. Google provides additional information about RDP at the link below:
For businesses that use the following services, Google will be considered a third party unless RDP is turned on:
- Ad Manager & Ad Manager 360
- AdMob
- AdSense
- Google Ads (if not listed below)
Businesses who have implemented Global Privacy Control should choose to enable restricted data processing when they receive a GPC opt-out signal.
Google's documentation states that the following services already operate in RDP and no action is required for Google to be a service provider to a business using these services:
- Ads Data Hub
- Analytics, Analytics 360 - If data sharing with Google products and services is disabled
- Audience Partner API
- Authorized Buyers
- Campaign Manager
- Customer Match
- Display & Video 360
- Enhanced Conversions
- Google Customer Reviews
- Google Opinion Rewards for Publishers
- Looker Studio
- Open Bidding Buyers
- Optimize, Optimize 360
- Search Ads 360
- Store sales measurement, Store sales (direct upload) measurement
- Tag Manager, Tag Manager 360
- Waze Ads
Note that classifying a vendor as a third party may trigger opt-out rights. That is because third parties are not limited in how they use your business's customers' data. You can read more about classifying vendors as a service provider and why sharing information with third parties may trigger a sale of information here.
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