Automation: Getting Started

In addition to our existing Google Analytics integration, we're rolling out other integrations on an ongoing basis.

Automation for these additional vendors is currently being offered as a Beta Testing opportunity. If you're interested, let's chat!


TrueVault Polaris supports automatically transmitting data subject requests to certain vendors. This can save your team time and prevent manual errors when submitting requests to data recipients.

Supported Vendors and Request Types

Vendor Supported Automation Request Types Notes
Klaviyo Deletion
Shopify Deletion
  • Requires our Shopify App to be installed in your store
  • Shopify handles deletions by creating an Erasure request, which anonymizes the customer data after some time (typically 10 days, up to 180 days)
Stripe Deletion
Yotpo Loyalty Deletion
  • Yotpo handles deletions by anonymizing the consumer data

Setting Up Integrations

First, identify the vendors you plan to automate from the list above. Then, for each vendor, follow their specific instructions below to connect each to Polaris. For most vendors, the setup steps reference the Integrations page, located at:

  • Privacy Center -> Top Navigation Bar -> Integrations


  • Log in to your Klaviyo account and open Account Settings - API Keys
  • Click "Create Private API Key"
  • Give your API Key a name like "TrueVault Integration"
  • Give your API Key Full Access
  • Click "Create"
  • Copy the Private Key shown on the next page somewhere safe like a password manager
    • This is the only time it will be shown in Klaviyo
  • Navigate to the Integrations Page in Polaris, and click "Connect" for Klaviyo
  • Click "Connect" in the popup and enter the Private Key you generated earlier
  • Close the connection popup


  • Open our Shopify App page in the Shopify App Store
  • Click Install, and complete the authentication process; at the end of the process you'll be redirected to Polaris
  • Close the connection popup


  • Log in to your Stripe account and open Developer Settings - API Keys
  • Click "Create restricted key"
    • Ensure you are creating a production environment ("live") key, and not a "test" key
  • Give your API Key a name like "TrueVault Integration"
  • Give your API Key Write access to the "Customers" resource
  • Click "Create key"
  • Click "Reveal key" and copy the key shown somewhere safe like a password manager
  • Navigate to the Integrations Page in Polaris, and click "Connect" for Stripe
  • Click "Connect" in the popup and enter the Private Key you generated earlier
  • Close the connection popup

Yotpo Loyalty

Yotpo has multiple secrets that you'll need to record. For each bold item below, copy the key somewhere safe like a password manager and label it to make it easy to track.

  • Log in to your Yotpo Loyalty account and open the account-wide General Settings
    • Under "API Credentials," copy the "App Key"
    • Click "Get secret key"
      • Yotpo will send an email to you with a code to unlock your secret key
      • Enter the code that was emailed to you on the General Settings page and copy the "Secret Key"
  • Return to the Yotpo Loyalty app, and open the Loyalty-specific Settings -> General Settings from the navigation on the left
    • Copy the "Merchant ID"
    • Copy the "API Key"
    • Copy the "GUID"
  • Navigate to the Integrations Page in Polaris, and click "Connect" for Yotpo Loyalty
  • Click "Connect" in the popup and enter the following values that you copied earlier:
    • "API Key"
    • "GUID"
  • Toggle the "Delete" integration on, and enter the following values:
    • "Merchant ID"
    • "App Key"
    • "Secret Key"
  • Close the connection popup

Triggering Automation

Automation is keyed on the consumer email in a data subject request. Both requests submitted via your Privacy Center and those created manually in Polaris will be considered for automation. Polaris will begin processing the request for automation after the consumer has verified their email, or right away for request types that do not require email verification.

After the system finishes communicating with automated data recipients, Polaris will place the request in the Request Inbox as usual. Automated processing usually takes between 1 to 15 minutes for each request, and multiple requests can be processed simultaneously.

When a request is being processed by the system, it will appear in the Pending tab with a "Pending Automation" status

Validating Integrations

Manually validating that the integrations are functioning is not required on an ongoing basis, but it can be illustrative to check to see what's happening behind the scenes.

In Polaris

In Polaris, automated data recipients show an outcome for each automated vendor. There are four possible outcomes for a vendor request:

  • Confirmed: The request (e.g., Delete) was sent to the vendor, and the vendor confirmed that the operation has completed in their system

  • Sent: The request was sent to the vendor, but the vendor did not confirm that the operation finished. This frequently happens for vendors like Shopify that anonymize on a delay from when the request is submitted. There's typically nothing more you need to do in this case, as it's expected that some vendors operate on a delay or otherwise do not confirm automated requests.

  • No Data: The request was sent to the vendor, and the vendor confirmed the consumer's email does not exist in their system

  • Failed: The vendor was unable to service the request, or the request failed to be delivered to the vendor. This may indicate a temporary outage on the vendor side or a configuration issue. The request workflow will need to be manually performed for this vendor.

    If you are frequently observing this outcome, double check your integration configuration or get in touch so we can help investigate.


To verify a deletion request in Klaviyo, log in to your Klaviyo Account and navigate to the Deleted Profiles page. You should see a table referencing user profiles and their corresponding email that have been deleted. Any profiles that have been deleted by Polaris will appear as an "API" source in the "Deleted By" column.

In our testing, we have observed delays up to 30 minutes before a consumer appears in Klaviyo's Deleted Profiles list.


To verify a deletion request in Shopify, log in to your Shopify Admin dashboard and navigate to the Customer list. Open the consumer in question and observe that an erasure request banner is present, indicating the date on which the customer will be anonymized.


To verify a deletion request in Stripe, log in to your Stripe dashboard and navigate to the customer list. Stripe typically immediately and thoroughly deletes customers when it receives a deletion request, so the consumer in question should simply no longer appear in this list.

Yotpo Loyalty

To verify a deletion request in Yotpo Loyalty, log in to your Yotpo Loyalty dashboard and navigate to the customer list. Observe that the consumer in question should not be found in the table, and instead has been replaced with an anonymized record.

Automating Existing Requests

If you have existing data subject requests from before setting up your vendor integrations, you can submit these requests to the automation queue for the supported vendors by clicking the "Automate" button in a request's options dropdown.

This workflow is only available for a request that meets the following conditions:

  • It has not been previously automated
  • It is a supported request type for automation
  • It is still in the Verify Consumer or Delete Info step